Father and Son Swindled Classic Car Owners Out of More Than 0,000

Father and Son Swindled Classic Car Owners Out of More Than $600,000

It is really hard not to love a classic auto. Classic old styling, diligently beloved and maintained about many years of life by owners who are passionate about the craft. The common car group is significant and numerous, drawing in fans from all walks of lifetime. Traditional car consignment is one of the methods that owners can sell a motor vehicle which is no extended bringing them joy. House owners can set the funds designed by means of consignment toward their next vintage vehicle undertaking. But, it is not normally that easy.

At the conclude of April, financial crimes investigators in Orange County, Florida, busted a father-and-son duo who owned a common automobile consignment corporation. Police claimed their business, Just Toys Vintage Automobiles, had swindled entrepreneurs out of much more than $600,000.